Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Sunday of the Word of God (January 22) - Part 2

As we celebrate this Sunday of the Word of God one might wonder how to go about reading the Bible in a way which will be helpful to one’s faith – growing in the knowledge and love of God.  There is a lot of stuff out there which is not of equal value, and some of which might even draw one away from God and the Church He founded for our salvation.  Indeed, in the not too distant past many a young person was led away from the faith because of classes on scripture taken even in “Catholic” high schools and colleges.

In the last 20 years we have been gifted by incredible scholarship and equally incredible resources for the average Catholic.  What follows is a small sampling.

Bible Timeline by Jeff Cavins – Jeff Cavins is a Catholic who fell away from the Church because of the lack of enthusiasm for scripture he found in comparison to his girlfriend’s (eventually his wife) family who were evangelical.  He became an evangelical pastor but was led back to his Catholic faith (along with his wife and children) as a result of studying scripture as the “Father’s” had and the Church has always taught.  He developed a plan for reading the Bible in 14 (out of 73) books which gives one an historical “skeleton” on which to understand all of the other books of the Bible and thus understand the whole.  I have the materials for this if anyone is interested in putting a group together.

Fr. Mike Schmitz’ “Bible in a Year” podcast – Fr. Mike Schmitz has put together a year long series of podcasts in which he helps participants to navigate the Bible and gain an understanding of what they are reading and why it’s important.  Several people within our Tri-Parishes have participated in this program and it comes very highly recommended.  It can be found on the “Hallow” app.  If you want to know more about this program call the office and talk to Kari.  She can tell you all about it.

Any book by Dr. Scott Hahn:  Dr. Scott Hahn is another evangelical turned Catholic who has done MUCH to popularize the reading and understanding of scripture in the last 20 years.  His books are written for a popular audience and are excellent for bringing understanding of the scriptures to a wide audience.  Be warned: he’s got a “punny” sense of humor. 😊

This just scratches the surface.  If you would like any guidance on reading the Bible I am ALWAYS happy to oblige with groups or individuals.  All you have to do is ask.  I’m here to help. 

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