Saturday, October 5, 2024

Sacred Worship

This week we wrap up our series of reflections on parish life focusing on Sacred Worship.  This is the area of parish life the majority of us are most connected to in the life of the parish.  That is appropriate since the Vatican Council II teaches us that the Mass is “the source and summit of our life in the Church” (cf. Sacrosanctum Concilium 10).  Unfortunately, that means it can also become a flashpoint for endless bickering in the parish family as well as the Church as a whole.  This is why it becomes particularly important that each parish have a well-functioning Sacred Worship Committee; and that that committee be committed to first of all understanding what the Church calls us to in sacred worship by studying the documents relating to the liturgy and the devotional life, and then discerning with the pastor how best to bring this about in the particular community.  In other words, it should never simply be about “what I like”.

I have been pleased to find at Sacred Heart – St. Patrick Parish a well-functioning Sacred Worship Committee and a real appreciation for liturgy well done and for the importance of the devotional life – indeed, there is a certain pride here in the devotional life.  There have been challenges, particularly in the area of music, which I hope we have begun to address in a satisfactory way.  But while much has been done to get all on the same page and moving together in all areas of our liturgical / devotional life, what has been accomplished thus far has primarily been about a new pastor and those already engaged getting to know one another and getting on the same page.  There remains the always ongoing task of engaging the larger parish.

You will find in our new Sacred Worship Committee Pamphlet a description of the several ministries which are necessary for the full flowering of the liturgy and the devotional life of our parish.  I have let our confirmation candidates know that, for our parish family to flourish, we need them to be involved BOTH in the life of the parish generally AND in the liturgical ministries; and there is plenty to do!  We are in particular need of help with hospitality (ushers), music (choir, instrumentalists, cantors), and altar servers.  If you can be of help in any of these areas especially, please see the sacred worship pamphlet for contact information.

The liturgy and our devotional life are uniquely important for the life of our parish community.  The way in which we come together in worship has a evangelizing effect all its own which draws our children, those who are searching, and ourselves as well to our God – Who reveals Himself to us in a particular way in our worship of Him through the paschal mystery of his Son in the power of the Holy Spirit.

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